1.Opening a Blank VI
- If there are no template available, thus start with blank VI and add Express VIs to accomplish a specific task.
- click Getting started and then choose the blank VI in the New section.
- The Blank front panel window and block diagram window appear.
- If the Function palette not visible then right click any blank space on the block diagram to display Function Palette.
an Express VI that Stimulates a Signal
Click help and choose the show context help which are from the block diagram and front panel.
On the Function Palette right click the express
and choose input palette.
Then move the cursor over one of the input palette. When
students move the cursor over a VI, the Context Help window displays
information about that VI.
Information in the Context Help window will help to find the Express VI that can simulate a sine
wave signal.
Select Express VI and click the Configure
Stimulate Signal ( dialog box appear).
Move the cursor over the various
option in the “ Configure Stimulate Signal”
dialog box will appear.
Frequency and Amplitude will appear.
Read the
information that appears in the context help windows.
Next, generate
a sine wave with frequency = 10.7 and amplitude =2.
The signal in the Result Preview window
changes to reflect the configured sine wave.
Click the OK button to save the
current configuration and close the Configure Simulate Signal dialog
Students need to move
the cursor over the stimulate signal express VI and read the information that
appears in the context help window it will display the addition standard
context help description.
Then, student have to save
the VI.
3. Searching the help and
modifying a signal.
A part from that, move the cursor over the stimulate signal express VI on the block diagram to
display the context help and then click the detailed help link to display the stimulate
signal topic in the Labview help.
tab > sample compression > enter > double click
Later, click add
to the block diagram and then move the cursor to block diagram then click add sample
compression express VI to the block diagram
View then click Quick drop to find easily the item and choose configure the sample compression
expres VI to reduce the signal by a factor 25 using the mean of these values
and then click ok and choose close the configure sample compression dialog box.
Next, use the Wiring tool to wire the Sine
output of the Simulate Signal Express VI to the Signals input of the
Sample Compression Express VI.
4.Customizing a user
interface from the block diagram
Later, student need to Right
click the Mean output of sample and then Create and choose the Numeric Indicator and click mean indicator appear shown at left.
Right-click the wire that connects the
Sine output of the Simulate Signal Express VI to the Signals input
of the Sample Compression Express VI and select Create and then choose the Graph Indicator from
the shortcut menu.
Later on, students need to use the Wiring tool to wire the Mean
output of the Sample Compression Express VI to the Sine graph indicator.
The merge signals function will
Next, rearrange
the object and click the display the front panel.
5.Configuring a Vi to run
cointinously until the user stops it.
Then add the while loop and click the execution control and move the cursor to the upper left corner
of the block disgram and drag the cursor diagnostically to enclose all the express
VIs and then release the while loop and hit the stop
button will appear.
Next, display the front panel and run the
Then, the VI now runs until students click the STOP
button. Later, a While Loop executes the VIs and functions inside
the loop until the user clicks the STOP
the STOP button and save the VI.
6.Using the error list
front panel and click mean indicator that shown at left and press delete key.
Next, display block diagram and a wire appears as a dashed black line with a red
X in the middle, shown at left. The dashed black line is a broken wire.
The Run button, shown at left, appears broken to indicate the VI cannot
Then, click the broken run and choose to display error list window and in the error and warnings list select the wire has loose ends
error click help.
view and choose the error list then click close button to close the error list window
and run button no longer appears broken.
7.Controlling the speed of
On the block diagram, search for the
Time Delay Express VI, shown at left, on the Functions palette and place
it inside the While Loop. Students can use the Time Delay Express VI to control the
execution rate of the VI.
Enter 0.25 at time delay text box and click
ok then choose close the configuration time delay dialog box.
Display the front panel and run the VI next click enable switch and examine the
If the enable switch is on, the graph display reduced the signals but If
the enable switch off, thus the graph does not display the reduced signal.
stop button to stop the VI
8.Using a table to display
click Control
and search for Express Table indicator then add to the right waveform graph.
the block diagram and choose lab view wired the table terminal to the build table
express VI and then drag the cursor diagonally until the selection rectangle
encloses the build table express VI and table terminal.
the object into the while loop to the right sample compression Express VI.
Use the Wiring tool to wire the Mean
output of the Sample Compression Express VI to the Signals input of
the Build Table Express VI.
the front panel and arrange the controls indicator then click run VI and click
enable switch and choose stop VI.
Experiment with properties of the
table by using the Table Properties dialog box.
For example, try
changing the number of columns to one.
Save and close the VI.
9.Searching for example
click Help and choose Getting started and select Lab view then click search tab and type time
delay express VI then press enter.
location column header and search results by content type and choose the reference
topics that contains the reference information about labview objects such as VIs, functions, palette,
menus and tools.
click time delay exprexx VI > click ope example > run > move the
vertical pinter slides> the amplitudes value A and B changes the pointer
slides > stop VI
Next, select window and show block diagram and read the
block diagram comments then close the example VI and open labview help window. Students need to click find the related examples button to
open the NI example finder and display a list of example similar to example that
used in this VI.
Lastly, click at Help and find example. Then, after experiment the
NI example finder and choose close.
End of chapter 2.
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